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Safe Behind Bars Dog Harness
Affords pet owners peace of mind, as it keeps dogs of all sizes safely contained within their fenced yard or behind the balcony railing. The Safe Behind Bars harness safely stops dogs from getting out through the open slat fence. Prevent your dog from squeezing through the fence with this comfortable lightweight harness. Your dog will still enjoy playing outdoors, rolling in the grass and sleeping without discomfort.
The rod cannot be removed.
Reviews and Testimonials
We received our order just over a week ago and it's just great as the first one. Thank you for such a clever harness for little escapees.
Tammy Malone
The Safe Behind Bars Adjustable Harness working amazingly! She has tried to escape with no luck! Thank you!

I would love to say how thankful my husband and I are for Maureen and Dog-Gamutt. We live on 5 acres and have hog wire fencing. Our Terrior and Chug were going thru the fence and getting off of our property. We have coyotes out here in the desert. I was desperate to find something when I came across Maureen's dog gammut. My husband calls it their helicopter harnesses. Lol Maureen worked with us to get the harnesses to fit our dogs. She went way above and beyond to make sure we were totally satisfied. These harnesses are a God send for us. Now we just put them on them and let the dogs run. When our dogs see us getting the harnesses out they get all excited because they know they get to run the 5 acres instead of just being closed in the back yard. It's a treat for them. Thank u, thank u, thank u Maureen, grateful,
Lori and John McCain, Lordsburg, New Mexico
This is Mia!
Thank you so much! She loves the collar and it keeps her in the fence so it's a great thing!
Thanks again,
Melissa Dyer
P.s. I did refer a friend to you as well to order one for their dog!
Maureen, this is perfect!! Well worth the wait. Genius! I've been advertising on my FB page--lol!! I don't know about Walmart (this is a little high end of a specialty item for them IMO), but this definitely belongs in pet stores all around the country! I'm attaching a pic of our min pin Bella with it on. Best of luck to you!

Hi Maureen,
Thank you again for this wonderful dog harness! We can now take our dog, Brink, to the dog park and have peace of mind that he will not escape through the bars. I attached some pics from our dog park visit :)
- Kerri King
We are very pleased with your product! It is comfortable and easy to use. We just love being able to let Holly out to play and not worry about her escaping through the bars of the fence.
Good morning Maureen. Yesterday I received the 2nd safe behind bars harness and the 2 extra dog harnesses. Thank you very much!
My guys were already out this morning “testing” out their new “angel wings” as I like to call them. I have two Cairn Terriers – Drake and Melvin, 14 and almost 5 years old, respectively. Until I moved this past July to my new residence, I had a 6 foot stockade fence that kept them safe and sound. Now I live in the country and have the typical black aluminum pool fence with the 3 3/8” pickets. I never thought these guys would be able to squeeze through, but Melvin is young and determined. I appreciate your ingenuity....it is giving my guys the freedom to run that they deserve.
Thank you again!
Denise Kowitz

Your product works great. This is our little escape artist. We caught him this time as we were coming in from work.
Love your product!
Thanks so much!
The White Family
I have a 4 pound Chihuahua, Gracie. Gracie is a firm believer in exploration and her own invulnerability. We recently moved into a new home with a metal fence and in no time Gracie discovered she could skinny out between the metal bars - even though the bottom 2 feet of fence also have coated chicken wire, which she just climbs!
My niece told me about your product and I ordered it and have loved it. Gracie likes it because it means she can stay outside longer and without being on a leash! She hasn't managed to get out since she's been wearing her harness. Thank you, thank you for saving her life. (I know that sounds melodramatic, but the street in front of our house is a main artery for our small community and it gets lots and lots of cars daily. She is not at all car cautious!)
Barbara Erwin
I wanted to thank you for all your help! The harness fits perfectly and has kept our sweet girl safely in the yard.
Thank you!

Here are three pictures of the leather . This one is really nice....the bar seems to stay straight across his back. He doesn't seem to mind either. He runs and plays and cannot get out of the fence.
Brittney Brewer
Hi Maureen, I just wanted to let you know that my husband took one of our dogs Sadie the escape artist out for a walk around the five acres. He put your harness on her and she tried about ten different times to go thru the fence but couldn’t get thru. Hallelujah!! U are a life saver! I was so excited when he told me she couldn’t get out. He made sure it was secured correctly. I’m just thrilled the little escape artist couldn’t get out. thank you so much for your wonderful product. Now I don’t have to worry every time we take a walk that our little girls will head out the fence down the road. We live in the desert and I don’t want to see them end up eaten by coyotes or someone stealing them. Once again thank you so very much!
Lori J McCain

Winner! Winner!
Maureen, I can’t thank you enough for all the time you put into finding us the perfect harness for our dog. I told you she has weird proportions. As you can see in the pictures, Macy is safe and is no longer able to escape through our fence.
You definitely go above and beyond for customers. Best of luck with your business!
Kind regards,
Hi there!!! The mesh one was perfect on her neck but Roxie's ribs are too wide for behind the front legs. The nylon one was perfect though!! She was quite surprised when she couldn't get through the fence to kiss a guy fishing in the pond behind our house!!
Thank you so so much for sending both. I will mail the mesh one back to you in tomorrow's mail. You should have received the temporary one already as well.
Thank you again. Your level of customer service is like no other! I will spread the word about your product and service and please feel free to use me as a reference if you ever need one.
Pamela Fletcher
Thank You ever so....it the Safe Behind Bars adjustable harness fit him perfect and we tested this and he can not get thru the bars....small price to save a little dog. Great product I will recommend this
Regards June Boutin
You are awesome, I appreciate your help. You have a great product here, hope we will see it in stores soon. :-) I tell everyone I know and my clients about your website. If you have any business cards I would love to have some so I can give them out and possibly put your information in my HOA newsletter in my neighborhood for other pet owners with small dogs. :-)
Thank you so much for your assistance.
Charles ward

I received the package. Both harnesses fit really well and it is so very much appreciated for all the extra work you did to get them to me.
I have included a couple of pictures of Peanut in both of them.
And thank you for the bonus red one :)

This Dog-Gamutt Safe Behind Bars harness has saved mine and my little Claude's life!
I get asked about it all the time. I'd be happy to pass out business cards to people if you send me some.

So here is Rue hanging out with the other girls not bothered by the harness at all. And another that shows how she can't get through the gate now. I had a bow on her collar from the Brand WoofWare (farmers market in salt lake city) and so I transferred it to the harness so it looks more girlie!
This is fantastic!!! It has been a life-saver. Neighbors are happy she isn't running around also!
Krista Weihl

It is a red one. It looks great. I appreciate your help so much! Our puppy is so much safer, and he looks much more comfortable in the Safe Behind Bars harness than a puppy bumper or bulky collar.

The Safe Behind Bars harness worked 100% well. Love it!
Tasmanian Devil
The Safe Behind Bars harness fits my little guy perfectly and doesn't restrict his movement at all. It's so nice to be able to leave it on him and not have to worry about him being uncomfortable. And then when it's time to go outside I can just let him out and not have to worry about him getting out and running into the street. Thank you so much!
We got it a couple days ago and it's a perfect fit and a lifesaver! So much less anxiety now that she can run safely around the yard! Thank you!
Thank you so much for getting the harness out in such a timely manner. The party who received it neglected to inform me that it had arrived - so sorry that I continued to bug you. Hoping you enjoyed a great vacation . So far the harness has been successful in preventing my 9 month old bichon from getting through a rod iron fence.

Dear Maureen,
I meant to reply as soon as my new harness arrived and I totally forgot. Now, I'm glad I waited just a bit to let you know how much MORE I love the new harness for our new dog. As I mentioned, we have had our first harness about two years. I bought it to keep our then eight year old rescued Shih Tzu, Zoe, in our fenced yard. She can go through the bar spacing of our decorative fence. It has worked so well that Zoe, after two years living with us, no longer attempts to exit the yard. I still put her harness on when I'm in the yard working as I don't want to have to watch her and I'm afraid she just might become bored and decide to wander through the fence space again. Well, now we have rescued two year old Zach, a silky terrier mix?, who weighs all of 12 pounds and chases rabbits at high speed and would chase right through the fence spacing in hot pursuit, thus, we placed an order for another harness for him.
Our new harness is fantastic as the top part where the little rod goes through is wider and holds the rod nice and flat over the top of his back. The older harness tends to "tilt" just a bit and I was worried that as young and rowdy as Zach is that he might figure a way to angle through the fence, if bar had tilted, and escape. This harness does not tilt. But, that is not all that is exciting about the Safe Behind Bars Harness for little Zach. We have found that Zach cannot go through the "pet gate" opening in our pet gates INSIDE the house. We have pet gates (gates with small pet door openings) on the laundry room and one bathroom because we have two cats and the cat food and cat litter boxes are in these rooms. We have two GoldenDoodles that we have to keep away from the cat's area and the gates have worked well to keep the big dogs out and allow the cats free entry through the small door in the gates. Zach is no bigger than the cats so he can go in and out and eat cat food and access the litter box. Ewwwww. We have now discovered that when he has his "Buzzy" on (we think it looks like a Buzz Lightyear accessory) he cannot go through the small pet door on the gate. Now, Zach wears his harness all the time, inside and outside. We do take it off at night and sometimes when I have the cat access door closed, but the harness is comfortable and works to keep him exactly where he needs to be. I believe it would work well to keep a small dog out of the litter box even without a gate if the litter box were covered and the width of the opening were no wider than the width of the harness bar.
I know, long story, but this harness has been amazing for our dogs and not just to keep them "safe" inside the yard or on a balcony or deck. Litter boxes are a common problem for people with dogs and cats sharing a home. This little harness has solved that problem at our house. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Zach & Zoe and Mum, Julie D.
Julia Deardorff
Nashville, TN

Hi Maureen,
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity.
We currently have two Lhasa Apsos. Poppy is a 10 year old male who we adopted at 4 when his owner became ill. Tazy is an 8 year old female who was a show dog. We adopted her after her showing and breeding career. She loves exploring but we want to keep her in the property and out of danger. We call your wonderful harnesses Tazy's angel wings.
Poppy is too big to fit through the squares in the fence.
Even after after a year, Tazy still tries to squeeze through the fence and seems puzzled about why she can't make it with her angel wings on.
Thank you for your GREAT idea and wonderful product, Maureen.
You ROCK! I cannot wait to try out the harnesses. Everyone I work with is asking for pics of the little guy in the new harness
Diana of Cincinnati Ohio
Hi Maureen,
We are already in love with the dog-gamutt harness! I was skeptical, but desperate when I found your sight. This harness is successfully keeping our small dog Scout inside our yard, and out of the neighbors yard/pool. She can now hang out in the backyard with our large dog Ginger, without us worrying about them. It has made our yard a much more relaxing place for us. You can see in one of the pics that she is trying to turn and wiggle through, but she did not make it out. I was afraid she would be uncomfortable in the harness, and that she might not be able to roll on her belly to play or lay down, but she doesn't even notice it on her, and can do everything she always has...except run off!!
Thank you so much for figuring out the perfect solution to this problem!
With Gratitude,
The Collier Family
Our mini-dachshunds, Cher and Daphne (Daffy), have escaped from our wrought iron fence for the last five years. The first few years we had them, we had to saddle them with big collars with attachments, then we went to big industrial sized (and hot) life jackets to keep them from crawling through. Not even those always worked, as Daffy is the Houdini of fence-dashing and seemed to be able to escape even the tightest contraption we put on her.
This year, after five years of chasing them down the road as they barked at bypassing neighbors (and after one escape that lasted overnight and I about had a heart attack not knowing where my pup was), we decided to put in an electric fence. It really bothered us to think about shocking our pups, but the potential of them escaping and getting hit by a car was a far worse thought. So, we shelled out the hundreds of dollars for the system and the heavy shock collars. Much to our surprise, Daffy didn't seem to care how hard the electric fence shocked her. She would back up, count to three and jump as fast as she could through the fence. I swear she was using the shock as propulsion to run faster once she got out! And away she ran.....
When we saw your product online, the first thing we said was "WHY DIDNT WE THINK OF THIS!!?" We ordered the harnesses and crossed our fingers. After trying many things, we weren't sure these would work either.
I'm thrilled to say that our doggies are safe and sound today, sitting by the fence watching the neighbor edge his lawn. No escaping, no ankle biting, no running off to the next county!!! The looks in their eyes is PRICELESS as they try to maneuver through and cannot.
Thank you so much, Dog-Gamutt, for this awesome product. I will never let my dogs outside without them on!
Stacy and GuyCher and Daphne (Daffy)
Hi, We actually had a fence placed in our backyard for this little dog that was to be about 13-16 pounds. I also have a boxer. I need to get used to the little dog thing. It appears that she won't be quite that big and she can get through the fence. What a shock that was witnessing. Anyway, I frantically went on the computer seeing if there was anything that could solve our problem. Your harness is awesome!! I did see the collar thing, can't remember what it was called, but it appeared too bulky. Lily lets me place this on her and away she goes. It was actually funny watching her try to get through the fence with the harness on, she was surprised. But she is so good about me placing the harness on. She seems very comfortable.
I am actually from Slippery Rock. I graduated from the Rock and am currently teaching. You are right, it is a small world! I told every one at school about it. I have also shared the harness and are really impressed.
Thanks again!
PamAs an avid reader of product reviews, I’m embarrassed to admit that I never took time to write one myself. Knowing just how much these reviews/testimonials helped in solving a big pet problem of mine, however, inspired me to tell others about this wonderful unique harness.
After retiring in 2010 to a community outside Las Vegas, my husband and I had a rod iron fence installed around our property. While perfect for our bigger dog, Buster, the fence proved to be no match for the teacup size Yorkie we adopted last spring. Bella consistently managed to squeeze between the bars and escape.
Countless pet stores offered similar advice. Unfortunately, we didn’t like the consequences posed by several options—the harshness and cost of an electric fence on such a tiny dog, or the confinement of a pen, zip line, or stake and chain. When chicken wire appeared to be the only safe alternative, my husband attached several rolls to the fence. Imagine our shock and despair in seeing Bella shimmy up the wire then shoot through the space between bars near the top of the fence.
Out of ideas and fearful of being alone in this situation, I went online with little hope of finding a solution. In Googling how to stop my dog from going through fence, the safebehindbars website came up. Scrolling through the website, I nearly fell out of my chair when there in the product reviews was a photo of a little dog standing high atop chicken wire wrapped around a metal fence just like mine!
Right away I ordered the harness in size small . . . and as the saying goes, the rest is history. When I say “the rest,” I’m talking about the chicken wire/mesh fence, Bella’s bad behavior, and my fear. In the three months since receiving the harness, Bella has not gotten out once. I love the collar because it’s lightweight, goes on and comes off easily, and isn’t at all confining. Best of all, it really works!
Nora D.
Our small dog kept getting out of our fence. I spoke to my Vet and he suggested that I contact you. Casino, loves the small dog collar it keeps him safe inside the fence where he belongs. He can wear the harness in the house and he can go out through the dog door without any problems. This is a great product that works fantastic for our small dog and our fence.
Thank you!
I love my new puppy! However, I never thought that she could get out of the fence. I Googled how to keep dog safe inside fence. I found the safe behind bars harness website and ordered the small dog harness immediately. Look at her in the picture, she doesn’t even know the harness is on her. I let Brie outside and she tried to get out of the fence. I watched her try over and over again to squeeze through the fence and she couldn’t. She finally got so tired she laid down and took a nap. I know that she will grow out of the problem soon, but for this puppy, we call her the escape artist, will have to stay inside the fenced yard. LOVE IT!
The Brockman FamilyDear Dog-Gamutt,
We have a small terrier mix rescue dog that is an escape artist. We have a metal fence with not much space between the risers, however our little "Moco" managed to slip right through the openings of the fence. We purchased other collars and even netting that we attached to the fence but he always found a way out. I was told about your product at my Vets office and immediately ordered the safe behind bars dog harness. WOW, this did the job. I am amazed at how easy this is to use. I dont need to do anything else but put the harness on Moco, and out he goes in the fenced yard to play. For all of you with small dogs that can squeeze through the fence...LOOK NO MORE, this safety harness does the job and keeps these little mutts at home where they belong.
JenniferThis is one unique product! The Safe Behind Bars Dog Harness has made it possible for me to let my dog run free in our fenced in backyard without worrying he will get through the pickets. We spent a fair amount of money getting our fence installed and I was so excited to let Tommy roam the backyard. After about two weeks of freedom, however, Tommy figured out that he could squeeze through the open slats. I never thought this would happen when picking out a fence for our yard and a small dog. I came across your safe behind bars dog harness while doing a search on google. It has been 3 months and there is no way Tommy can get through the openings at the fence. I have enjoyed watching him try over and over again, but he finally gave up and is happy staying put in the back yard where he belongs.
ReginaWe love our safe behind bars dog harness. I googled how to keep a small dog inside the fence and found the perfect solution for our very small dog. Your dog safety harness did the job and stopped our dog from escaping through the fence. Teddy wasnt a happy dog at first because he wanted to run the neighborhood , but now he walks right into the harness and enjoys the freedom of the back yard. Everyone in the neighborhood says thank you.
I just posted these to your website. LOVE your harness! It gives Scooter the freedom he loves! I dreaded the thought of putting chicken wire on our wrought iron fence.... 1. it would take me forever, we have a very long yard. 2. it would have to be up forever, Scooter is full grown. and 3. chicken wire is UGLY! The golf course behind us and our HOA would have a huge problem with it.
Great idea! Is this sold in any pet stores? It should be!
Stacey Zahn - Stacey Zahn PhotographyKnowing there must be many others experiencing the same problem, I wanted to tell my story.
Our beloved 8-year-old miniature pinscher is like one of the family. Whether it’s an early morning walk or a trip to the nearby market, Sparky goes with us everywhere and has since he was a pup. So when my husband retired a year ago and we decided to travel more, it wasn’t long before the two of us were at our wit’s end about what to do.
Over half of Carl’s and my “couple” friends who have invited us to stay with them have fenced-in yards. They’re all some variation of thin bars spaced apart, not a solid privacy fence like we have at home. Not to mention, nearly every hotel/condominium along the Florida gulf that we looked at to rent in winter had that similar type of see-through balcony. Needless to say, fences like these are no match for a smart, energetic dog under 10 pounds and a foot tall. Sparky could easily slip between the bars and wander away or be hurt in a fall.
After talking to countless friends and shopping every local pet store only to come up empty handed, we turned to the Internet for help. And there you were!
Since the day your harness arrived, Carl and I have breathed a huge sigh of relief. It fits easily in the glove box, so there’s no leaving home without it. We can’t express how incredibly comforting it is to know that our four-legged companion not only is happy going with us everywhere, but thanks to you, is now SAFE BEHIND BARS!
RoseanneThanks, Maureen!!
The harness has been working perfectly! Our little Coco can enjoy the backyard with our bigger dog, Bailey, and we have peace of mind knowing she is staying safe. So nice to not have to constantly watch her and block her escapes through the fence. I'm sure the neighbors send their gratitude too! :-)
Thanks again,
My name is Lisa and I have three dogs that are all large enough that they don't slip through my wrought iron fence. However, I am deeply involved in our local rescue movement and it seems we always have a rescue doggie at our house. Recently, I took in a little tiny Chihuahua named Chiquita. Chiquita is only 4-5 pounds and she is an escape artist. I came across your product quite by accident, it popped up on my Pinterest page about a week ago. I had been having issues with little miss Chiquita escaping our backyard and I was quite concerned that she would get hit by a car! So, I ordered your product!
Fast forward to today. I had just let the dogs out to the backyard and had my back turned for only 2-3 minutes and Chiquita was gone! I found her in my front yard heading out to the street. I picked her up and then thought, "I need to get the mail" and your AWESOME product was in the box! I quickly slipped the harness on Chiquita and went right back outside for a test! The pictures are worth a thousand words!!! No more escaping! Love it! Love it! Love it!!!!
Thanks so much for your creative genius!!! Worth every penny!
Lisa McClanahanI had been searching for fences that would keep a small dog safe in the yard. I could not believe that my dog would run right though the open slats of our fence that we have now. I found your website on keeping a dog safe behind bars harness and I was thrilled to give the harness a try. I love the harness, it works perfectly and now I don’t have to replace the fence. Thank you so much for such a great product. I would recommend the safe behind bars harness to everyone that has a small dog and a fence.
JeanHi- I just wanted to say thank you for inventing this great harness! Addie doesn't even seem to notice her "bat-wings"! and we are at ease letting her go outside unsupervised. We tested it by us being in the front of the house and her in back- she of course tried like before to go through but couldn't make it, didn't even deem frustrated and went on playing in the back. A $30 investment with you saved us $500 in refencing charges! Thank you so very much- we are all happy pups here!
Bev, Anthony, and Addie!!!
Well, it's been almost 2 full weeks and he hasn't been able to get out. Your harness has worked wonders and I know it'll continue to. However I did recently notice a hole that he had started to dig to go under the fence. He sure is determined to escape but I'm not too worried though. He gave up because of the hard clay a couple inches down. If he does find a softer area to dig, I still think your harness will prevent him from squeezing under.
Thanks again for your wonderful product. We have much more peace of mind knowing we can let Biscuit go outside on his own unsupervised without a lead. Our son Benjamin also thanks you for keeping his puppy safe from getting lost.
Take care and best of luck with Dog-Gamutt!
Thane, Jennifer, Ben, & Biscuit LaymonDear Lexie,
I’d like to pass along MY STORY about the Safe Behind Bars harness.
Franklin, my husband, and I recently purchased a new home and needed to fence in the backyard. We have two little dogs weighing less than 10 pounds and have always kept them in an enclosed area. Limited by neighborhood regulations to installing only ornamental fencing, we met with a company to discuss the types and styles of metal / metal-looking fences available.
When the installers came to our home to measure, one of them noticed our two Toy Fox Terriers and asked if we were familiar with this kind of fence. He said they have received a number of calls from pet owners seeking advice on how to keep their small dogs from getting through the openings between rails. This was something Franklin and I hadn’t even considered, since it was never an issue with the chain-link fence at our previous residence.
After expressing concern about this potential safety risk, the installer proposed spacing the vertical bars two inches apart instead of the standard four inches. This would certainly prevent the dogs from escaping; however, it would also effectively double the cost of the fence. Seemingly mindful of our financial position, the gentleman went on to suggest a product he had read about online and, in fact, was intent on purchasing for evaluation purposes, hopefully to then be in a position to recommend it to customers. That’s when he told us about the Safe Behind Bars harness.
It’s been six weeks since we purchased two harnesses through your website. No doubt I speak for many others in saying we couldn’t possibly be more delighted. “Venus” and “Mars” play, sleep and eat in their harness no differently than they do without it. And it’s incredibly comforting in knowing such active dogs absolutely cannot squeeze between the fence bars.
You’re adorable, Lexie, and we’re so impressed by your harness that we lent one to our neighbor to try on her Dalmatian puppy.
MargeMy miniature dachshund Penny, age 2, wears the medium sized one and it works great. We think our adopted puppy Scout is a mix between a Jack Russell and a Chihuahua. She is 4 months old and maybe 7 pounds or so. At first I put the one with the 8 inch rod on her, thinking the smaller the rod the better if it works. My fence is a wooden picket fence with 4 inches between each slat (per my HOA requirements—sigh).
I put both dogs out in the yard and went on the outside of the fence and called them. They both kept trying to get to me through the fence but the harness kept them in… for awhile… after a lot of attempts, the puppy was able to get through with the 8 inch rod. It wasn’t easy and it certainly slowed her down a lot and she might not have tried so hard if I hadn’t been on the other side of the fence, but she did twist and turn until she got through.
So I put the 10 inch rod on her, and to my knowledge, she’s never been able to get out with that on. What has really surprised me is that the dogs can still get through their small dog door fairly easily with them on! That had been the one thing I was really worried about before ordering them. My dogs are sitting next to me now sleeping with them on too… so they must not be that uncomfortable. They had puppy bumpers before which are big padded things that went around their necks to keep them in the fence, but I’m sure that must have been more annoying to wear and hot in the summer.
I’ll certainly recommend the harness to my other friends with small dogs!
Great invention! Thanks again!
I just wanted to say that these collars are the most BRILLIANT things that I have ever seen! For the first time in 6 months since I've lived at my new house, I don't have to chase my dogs around the neighborhood or have a leash on them just to take them in the backyard to use the bathroom. I LOVE these collars and will definitely be doing business with you in the future when these wear out.
It was so funny watching my dog (that chases the neighbors dog in their back yard) he saw them and thought he would run through the gate to chase him today and was very disappointed to learn that he couldn't go through. I laughed so hard watching him. It was the BEST thing ever!
Just wanted to say thanks again and thanks for sending those out so quick. I greatly appreciate it! Not sure if you sell on Ebay, but I bet you would make a lot of money on there selling those. I will definitely be sending business your way if I know of anybody else having the same problems. Have a great day!
We adopted our second dog, Sadie, a dachshund mix, in January. Because our home features a lovely fenced yard with lots of trees and large play area, everyone was eager to introduce Sadie to her new evnironment and, especially, to our other dog, Roulette.
My husband and I are highly safety conscious. The well-built, attractive wrought iron fence is one of the reasons we bought this house. So, you can imagine our surprise upon discovering that the curious little pup was able to squeeze throught it. We didn't have the heart to tie her up, but didn't know what else to do.
Our veterinarian recommended Dog-Gamutt's Safe Behind Bars Adjustable Harness as the answer to our problem. At first my husband and I were skeptical, because we'd never seen anything like it before. We were both pleasantly surprised, however, at how easily and effectively the harness works and that it fits through our doggie door. Sadie steps right into it. Best of all, she maintains full range of motion and, to this day, has never wandered out of the yard. Without a doubt, the Safe Behind Bars Adjustable Harness has been a godsend in keeping our Sadie safe and free to fully enjoy her surroundings.
Doreen S. Formale
As a practicing veterinarian for over 19 years, I understand the level of importance caring pet owners place on ensuring the safety and well-being of their beloved animals. So, when I first heard about a new product that could prevent small pets from straying out of the yard, naturally I was excited to learn more about it.
Many of my clients prefer a fence over a stake and chain or controversial electronic containment system. But the amount of open space between pickets, often seen in today's popular ornamental iron fences in particular, can be a big problem.
The Safe Behind Bars Adjustable Harness is a unique concept that provides an effective, affordable solution for owners of puppies, kittens, and small fully grown dogs and cats. Well-constructed of soft nylon material, it features a durable yet light-weight crossbar which more than spans the distance between fence pickets, thereby prohibiting pets from slipping through and escaping. The harness is simple to use and adjusts easily for a secure, comfortable fit.
Now, small-pet owners, too, can experience the peace of mind that comes in knowing their animal will be safe while enjoying greater freedom both at home and away. I highly recommend the Safe Behind Bars Adjustable Harness.
Dr. Evan Rosenoffwww.noahsarkcary.com

Dear Maureen, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for coming up with this dog harness. I just got married in March and my 5 pound Maltese was part of the package and we thought we were going to have to put up netting all around our rod iron fence to keep her in. This is so great because she is already use to wearing a harness but now we don't have to worry that she has gotten out! You are a genius!
Shawna MeyerMaureen,
I saw your segment on the balancing Act TV show and purchased your safety harness. My husband and I travel every year to the mountains but this year’s trip was going to include our new family pet. We adopted a small dog that weighs 19 pounds, she is long and thin. As I watched the video I realized that the property we have rented year after year has a beautiful deck overlooking the pond and sits up at least 20 feet off the ground. The fence around the deck is wood with open spaces that I was sure our dog could squeeze through. The safe behind bars harness was a perfect fit and stopped her as she put her head through the open slats. You said on the show that this was easy to use and important to take when you travel with small pets. I just wanted to tell you that the harness was everything you said and I will always take this when we travel with our dog.
Thank you
Joanne - Detroit Michigan